it is inordinately inappropriate to my stuck up virgo moon and
staunchly decorum laden venu/saturn conjunction in libra, the sheer
number of lascivious propositions I get from strangers on the internet
wanting to fuck.
..i'm sorry, do i know you? do you have face, or just genetalia?
i mean, i AM a scorp.. so yeah, i dig hot and sweaty.. i truly love good sex. i need passion..... but with a completely random stranger? i did that shit in my 20's for the thrill of promescuity, but even then, i always felt bad about it after the fact. and with saturn in scorp, i just can stomach the idea... the "ring leader" is watching. i can't play that way anymore. saturn don't play that way either.. you step out of bounds and there will be a penalty, and in this game the penalty is an STD.
"..hey man, wanna fool around? here's my number _____________"
and it's so common.. maybe not in the general population, but in gayland.. holy crap, these bitches be slutin' like the use by date be about to clock.
..i'm sorry, do i know you? do you have face, or just genetalia?
i mean, i AM a scorp.. so yeah, i dig hot and sweaty.. i truly love good sex. i need passion..... but with a completely random stranger? i did that shit in my 20's for the thrill of promescuity, but even then, i always felt bad about it after the fact. and with saturn in scorp, i just can stomach the idea... the "ring leader" is watching. i can't play that way anymore. saturn don't play that way either.. you step out of bounds and there will be a penalty, and in this game the penalty is an STD.
"..hey man, wanna fool around? here's my number _____________"
and it's so common.. maybe not in the general population, but in gayland.. holy crap, these bitches be slutin' like the use by date be about to clock.